News and Updates

Demo Update!

We are excited to announce we have another demo in the Gallery area! And a few additions to Clarion Games demo.

Unyielding Universe

2-4 players attempt to make long and beautiful lifelines. They achieve this by drawing "Year" cards and then placing them within their lifeline chronologically, either by adding them at the end or replacing them. All the while the Universe will try to make their lives more challenging and complex. "Universe" cards that add a scoring adjustment or a gameplay modifier will be drawn, or "Life Complete" cards will be drawn and wreak havoc on your lifeline, not allowing you to play cards past a certain age.

The goal is to score the most points at the end of the round. Scoring factors in the length of your lifeline as well as the quality of your lifeline.

Life is challenging and it is up to us to try and make the best of it, even if we must spite the Universe to do so.


Clarion Games will be running their hilarious cooperative backstabber Henchman! A light, fast-playing card game for 2-6 players featuring player interaction, some backstabbing, and a healthy dose of humor. Picture the office meets Sword & Sorcery. Work for an Evil Overlord—a tyrannical, ruthless, megalomaniacal villain bent on world domination. launch an epic competition of subterfuge, deceit, and backstabbing to prove who is most worthy to become the next Henchman!

Four Horsemen: the Omega Wars

In 2025, aliens make first contact with Earth. They've arrived hoping to find a rich new source of resources or advanced technological trading partners. After all, they've detected deep space probes and evidence of space travel. Needless to say they're disappointed

Now 100 years later, humanity has made a name for itself as tenacious and resourceful mercenaries. Unable to face most aliens hand to claw, they've developed powered combat armor known as CASPers, Combat Assault Systems Personal. These 8 foot tall, half ton combat suits have given humanity a serious edge, and the aliens are tired of it.

In a carefully coordinated plot, Earth has been invaded, and the human merc armies fled in order to survive. With Earth occupied, the Omega War is underway. The future of Earth, her few tiny colonies and all of our people's lives are at the stake. This is the Omega War

The Four Horsemen: Omega War is a tactical, strategic and operational competitive card game for two to four players set in the Four Horsemen literary universe created by Chris Kennedy and Mark Wandrey. It is a brutal struggle for power that rewards both careful planning and bold execution as you assume the role of a Commander for one of the various factions.


Restoration Games’ Return to Dark Tower

And just for fun, Clarion Games be bringing and running Restoration Games’ Return to Dark Tower too!

For an age, the tower lay in ruins. Unbeknownst to the people of the realm, a great evil stirred in its bowels. It started with strange sightings: a flock of crows flying in circles until they dropped from the sky, the lake frozen solid in the height of summer. In time, they could not deny that which they most feared.

The evil had not been vanquished. The darkness would soon fall again. The tower will rise.

A "sequel" to the 1981 grail game, Return to Dark Tower is a game for 1-4 players who take the role of heroes. Together, they gather resources, cleanse buildings, defeat monsters, and undertake quests to build up their strength and discern what foe ultimately awaits them. When the heroes face the tower, the game shifts into its dramatic second act, where the players have one chance to defeat the enemy once and for all.

The game features both cooperative and competitive modes of play.

The game features traditional game mechanisms, such as engine building and resource management, paired with a technological interface unlike any seen before in games, including the titular tower, which holds more than a few secrets.

Return to Dark Tower game

Game Demos at Mythic Con 2023

We are hosting some amazing game demos during our convention. Be sure to go by the gallery and check out these games!

Rocket Fire: A Space Exploration Board Game

A competitive family "turns base" dice and card game for 2 to 4 players. In Rocket Fire, the goal is to become the first player with six or more rockets ready to launch into outer space.

Fuel the Fire

Undermine other players and give yourself explosive advantages with Power Cards. After resolving dice rolls and with enough chips, players can take control of the game using as many power cards in their hands as they can afford.

Still, everyone starts somewhere, and these actions can’t just be used right away. The first round differs as each players prepares their strategy and their hand with the resources available at the start of the game. However, for every round after the first, the gloves are off, and the scheming begins!

Eyes to the Skies

Though creating setbacks for other players can be fun, don’t lose sight of your ultimate goal: becoming the innovator that sends six or more rockets into the endless web of space and discovering all of its secrets.


All weekend 



Rocket Fire Box Cover art

Art Dealers Without Manners

Welcome back, Twice Alive Games! Art Dealers Without Manners is a game for 3 to 8 players, playable in about an hour. The game is set in the cutthroat world of art buying and the treacherous actions of those trying to assemble the greatest of all galleries. Your objective is to defeat the other Art Dealers by forcing them to lose all their Investments Stakes or by being the first to assemble a collection of the greatest artworks in the world. [3-8 players , 30-60 mins playtime] You can pick up Art Dealers Without Manners on their website.


Saturday only 



Contents of Art Dealers Without Manners game

Midnight Zombie Sabatage

Twice Alive Games! will also be demoing Midnight Zombie Sabatage (MZS). 

Fight for survival as you are plunged into the war between Zombies, Survivors and Maniacs. Midnight Zombie Sabotage is a hidden identity card game that supports 3 to 16 players, who will take on the roles of 14 unique characters who must use their character specific abilities, deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills to identify the enemy and convince the rest of your party to eliminate the threat while avoiding becoming a target yourself. Players will have hilarious fun while being challenged by the various scenarios they find themselves in, including; being out numbered, not being able to speak at times, being converted to the opposing team, having your role reversed by the Maniac’s influence, or not blowing your cover while behind enemy lines and so on. Survival of the Smartest.

Midnight Zombie Sabotage is a hidden identity game that is played in a single round, consisting of three phases: NIGHT, DAWN, and DAY. During the DAY phase players will divulge and deceive before voting to eliminate a player (or multiple players in a tie).

MZS supports 3-16 players, who will take on the roles of 14 unique characters. You must use your character specific abilities, deception, and collusion to identify the enemy and convince the rest of the party to eliminate the threat while avoiding becoming a target yourself. Intended for ages 11 and up.

The game includes game box, 16 character cards, 9 action tokens, 1 token board, 20 neutral tokens, rule book. You can pick up MZS on their website.


Saturday only 



Contents of Midnight Zombie Sabotage


As if demo'ing two games wasn't enough Twice Alive Games will be demoing Kado as well! Maintain poise and composure while masking your ferocity and guile as you bid, build and reserve unique floral arrangements in order to obtain prowess, honor and blessings. There is no time to stop and smell the roses while engaged in Kado: the Way of the Flower.

Kado is a Japanese themed handmade family board game that can play up to 6 players from age 11 and up. In Kado you take on the role of 6 elderly Japanese women competing against each other in obtaining the materials needed to reserve floral arrangements to secure the honor and blessings (points) bestowed by each arrangement. You and your rivals may be after the same arrangement so be carful how you bid so as to gain the advantage or you may need to bid on materials you don't need in order to sabotage your opponent.

You can pick up Kado on their website.


Saturday only 



Contents of Kado


Tournament Saturday

Twice Alive Games is bringing back TROSS. TROSS is Viking chess/checkers. But unlike usual checkers, the objective is not to eliminate your opponent's pieces, but to humiliate by capturing their throne. It’s about the throne, not the pawns. Send the enemy home cowering and dishonored! TROSS is Norwegian meaning “to spite”. You must cleverly outwit your opponent without completely eliminating their pieces. You might have to spite your own pieces to do so.

The listing is for one complete handmade game including the canvas scroll game board featuring rustic stained wood ends, attached with sturdy brass nails and a red stained, wooden box with screen printed TROSS logo. All 20 wooden cube pieces are also hand-stained and are contained in a handy burlap drawstring bag. Game instructions also included.

Your TROSS game board can also be wall hung and displayed as the work of art that it is via the attachment on the back upper wooden end. The game is available with red stained wood ends. The game storage box and wood ends are stained red.

Recommended for ages 8+. Please be advised that small cube game pieces may be a choking hazard for young children. You can pick up TROSS on their website.


Saturday only 



Tross game contents

Trash Dash

Find some time to go experience Trash Dash. (The critters you can play are sooooo cuuuuuutttttteeee!) Who knew playing with trash could be so fun? (Hint: Karen's cat, Karen's cat knows)

Trash Dash is a fast paced racing card game in which 2-6 players are trash animals competing to be the quickest critter on the streets! Racing laps around an alleyway may seem straightforward enough, but when you’re up against the most mischievous trash animals from across the city you’ll need to stay sharp!

Every game of Trash Dash is filled with playful conflict as the litter critters use their special abilities and hand of Action cards to mess with the other racers. Balancing the tension of that conflict are moments of sudden excitement when a player takes the lead with a well timed Trash card combo or when a player’s risky gamble is rewarded with that perfect roll of the Burst dice! To win on these streets you’ll have to be speedy, savvy, and a little bit scrappy!


Saturday only 



Trash Dash Cover Artwork
Illustration of a cute raccoon in a cluttered alley.

Don’t Die

No matter who or where you are, we all have one goal in common: Don't Die.

Don't Die is a tabletop roleplaying game about making decisions and avoiding terrible consequences. Focus on conflict over task resolution. You can open the door but will you regret doing so? Create characters quickly, play using a single die, and run in any setting.

They will be running demos on Friday and have a game on the schedule for Saturday morning. Learn it on Friday and play on Saturday! Grab your seat for the game.

Don't Die by Terrable Games can be found here:


Friday demos and Saturday morning game



Cover artwork for the game Don't Die.

Clockwork Cats (PLAYTEST)

Clarion Game Studios is giving you the opportunity to playtest Clockwork Cats. 

Will YOUR cat build the better mouse trap?


All weekend



Brewster Rockit: Space Guy (SNEAK PEEK)

Clarion Studios brings Tim Rickard's hilarious Web and print comic to life in this fast paced and funny game for 2-6 players. They're in serious trouble on the R. U. Sirius!


All weekend



Hull Breach!

So, what the heck is Hull Breach?  Well, we're glad you asked that question. Hull Breach is a sci-fi cards-and-dice game featuring epic space combat between ships, firefights between Marine boarding parties, and plenty of clever tactics and galaxy-shaking events. You assume command of a space station belonging to one of our several in-game factions and fight it out with one or more other Commanders to achieve galactic domination! The object of the game is to protect your Station - your home in space - from other Commanders while trying to capture or destroy theirs.  Be warned - they’re trying to do the same thing to you. It's a tough galaxy and at the end of the day only one Commander gets to remain standing.


All weekend



Mythic Con Charlotte is coming!

Mythic Con Badges Available and Game Submissions Open

Better late than never? We wanted to let you know that badges are available for purchase on for Mythic Con Charlotte! You can also submit your game(s) as well!

Hope you can join us Nov 10 - 12 at the Hilton University Place in Charlotte, NC. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. (Not sure about y'all but this summer's been a bear around here!)

Last year we had several of our wonderful attendees ask if they could volunteer. We heard you and we listened! You can now sign-up to volunteer on as well! Depending on the hours you volunteer you can earn rebates up to the full cost of your ticket! Check out the link for information!

Support the local game stores in Asheville!

Support the local game and comic stores in Asheville, NC

We are excited by the response we've gotten from the local game and comic stores in Asheville, NC! Here's the ones you may see our convention flyers at. Be sure to tell them you saw them promoted by Mythic Con West.

Well Played Board Game Cafe

If you like food and tabletop gaming, you may have found your home away from home. (If only they had beds.) 

Well Played Board Game Cafe is at 162 Coxe Ave in Asheville, NC. The photos don't do it justice, they have sooooo many games (direct quote from Karen). The staff are all game, beer and food lovers. Is there a game you want to play but need help learning it? They've got game masters who can help with that! Want to try out D&D or Savage Worlds, but don't want to be intimidated by the old school gamers in a game store? No problem!

Or do you just want to enjoy a beer, some good food, and a game without the hassle of doing dishes? They got you covered!

How does it work? You pay for a wristband and you can play any of the games on their shelves. ALL DAY LONG if you want. (And as mentioned, you can request RPG games, just reach out to WPBGC to set those up.)

WPBGC also hold board game tournaments and have a group of board game designers who meet in the store regularly.

Events, menu and hours can be found on their webpage.


The Wyvern’s Tale

Long time MACE West attendees and those local to Asheville know about The Wyvern's Tale. Its an amazing store at 347 Merrimon Avenue in Asheville, North Carolina. (Depending on traffic, its roughly 15 minutes from the convention!)

They are in a two story building with parking in the front and back. The upstairs is open to gaming at no cost. Downstairs you can find all kinds of goodies—boardgames, wargames, rpgs and more. And if they don't have it in stock, they'll order it for you!

They have several gaming groups that meet at their store including D&D Adventure’s League, Pathfinder Society, Star Wars Gaming: 828th Squadron, Asheville Historical Gamers, and more. (They also host several Facebook Groups.)

They are open 7 days a week so check out their webpage to see what times work for your visit.

For those of us out of towners, The Wyvern's Tale can be kinda hard to spot while driving if you've never been there. (Karen blames Charlotte and its tendency to tear down old house for strip malls cause you don't see businesses in houses in Chartlotte much.) Wyvern's Tale is in a converted house, which is pretty freaking neat if you ask Karen.

Comic Envy

Now we would like to highlight a store that doesn't sell games! (Gasp!) We were floored by the reception we got at Comic Envy. Even though they don't sell games, they wanted to support the Asheville Geek Community. (After all there's a lot of overlap.)

Comic Envy prides itself on being a family friendly comic store. Its a store for readers run by readers! If you are looking for a comic book, manga, novel, toys or accessories, check them out. They are roughly 15 minutes from Mythic Con West at 333A Merrimon Avenue in Asheville, North Carolina.

They are three stores down from The Wyvern's Tale. Tuna says save yourself a headache, park at one and walk to both like he did. And Karen says be sure to ask for recommendations, they recommended Star Trek Cats (original and Next Gen) and the first two volumes of Night of the Living Cats and she LOVED them.

Hours and more can be found on their webpage.


Morgan’s Comics

Next we highlight Morgan's Comics. They are located 15 minutes away from Mythic Con West in West Asheville at 600 Haywood Rd. Immerse yourself in wall to wall geekiness – toys, vinyl, board & card games, video games & consoles as well as a wide selection of comics, graphic novels & trade paperbacks.

Morgan's Comics pride themselves on being an all-inclusive nerd sanctuary. There always seems to be something going on at Morgan's. They have trivia nights on a variety of geeky subjects, nerd expeditions to movies, board game night, card game nights and more.

Be sure to let them know Mythic Con sent you their way. They have additional parking behind the store. Karen thought she should mention that since the curb side parking is very limited.

Check our their webpage for hours and events. 

The Deck Box

Continuing our tour of Asheville game stores, The Deck Box is located at 3049 Hendersonville Rd. in Fletcher, NC. (Even though it looks like its far from the Doubletree, its just 25-30 minutes from the convention!) If you don't feel like you have time during Mythic Con West to go, Karen recommends making a detour on your way in or out of town. 

The Deck Box is a full service gaming store that specializes in Card, Role-Playing, Miniature, and Board games.

They are tucked into a nondescript shopping center, but don't let that fool you. When you step in, you've entered a gamer's world. Karen says you have to check out their custom Sherlock Holmes themed gaming room! (They rent it out for games. So cool! Feels like an escape room!)

Their hours are kinda hard to find online, so we are including them here. If you drop by The Deck Box, let them know Mythic Con sent you!

Saturday 12 PM–12 AM
Sunday 12–10 PM
Monday 12–10 PM
Tuesday 12–10 PM
Wednesday 12–10 PM
Thursday 12–10 PM
Friday 12 PM–12 AM

Tokyo Toybox

Now for something completely different! Tokyo Toybox is located in the Blue Ridge Mall at 1800 4 Seasons Blvd in Hendersonville, NC. Tokyo Toybox specializes in Anime Toys, Gifts, and Games!

Karen guarantees you will find new things in this store, everywhere you look! You will be hard pressed to find these items in any other store. Everything is licensed and they use only accredited distributors.

They have just started a family friendly D&D 5E campaign for the new Anime setting. They also host family friendly how to play events for Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon and Digimon. (And their gaming table is pretty awesome!)

They even have imported foodstuffs that you won't find at your local grocery stores including varieties of Pocky Karen has only ever heard about but never seen. Everything is authentic even down to the language on the packaging.

They are 30-35 minutes away from Mythic Con West. Karen recommends stopping by—this store is a lot of fun. It's another good one to hit on your way to or from Mythic Con West.

Check out their webpage for hours and their facebook page has all their events listed on it.

Asheville Comics

Presenting Asheville Comics! They have two locations Asheville Comics North is located at 211 Merrimon Ave in Asheville, NC. and Asheville Comics South is located at 2270 Hendersonville Rd in Arden, NC. (Note from Karen and Tuna, if you use Google maps it will take you to the neighborhood BEHIND Asheville Comics South!)

Asheville Comics not only has comics but also pop culture items! From comics, books and apparel, to action figures, role playing games, board games and even sports cards, Asheville Comics has something for everyone.

Go check out one (or both if you are ambitious feeling) of their locations! Let them know Mythic Con sent you their way. 

Gamer’s Haunt

While we don't have much Magic: The Gathering happening at our Mythic Con conventions*, we recognize that many of our attendees play. So we want to highlight Gamers Haunt located at 211 Merrimon Ave in Asheville, NC!

They have a lot of Magic related items and more recently they've added D&D and board games to their in-store line up.

Be sure to check out their webpage for hours and events!

*In case you were wondering, it's very hard to run Magic tournaments at conventions due to the logistics and requirements imposed by WotC. Plus let's be completely honest, stores like Gamers Haunt do it much better than we ever could possibly hope to do! So go to Gamers Haunt and support their tournaments!

MACE: Thank you Jeff

Jeff Smith wearing a Mumswear blue bowling shirt branded to MACE

MACE: 25 Years of NC Gaming

Mid-Atlantic Convention Expo (MACE) was a North Carolina gaming convention series that was conceived and run by Jeff Smith and Just Us Productions for 25 years. The convention started in 1997 in High Point, NC. With the partnership of Ron McClung, Jeff’s long-time friend and developer of the OGRe gaming registration system, MACE rightfully became known as the best-run gaming convention in North Carolina. In 2012, MACE left High Point and moved to the University Hilton in Charlotte.

Jeff’s wild imagination resulted in a number of spin-off events over the 25 year run of MACE. MACE West in Asheville, NC was the largest of these. Mini-MACE was a series of one-day “food and fun” get togethers originally held at a Golden Corral in Winston-Salem, NC. (An all-day board gaming event paired with an endless buffet for one ticket price? GENIUS!) Club MACE was a gaming cruise/vacation, and MACE East was a one-time event held on a BATTLESHIP!

On February 28, 2022, Jeff Smith passed away, and this sad passing marked the end of Just Us Productions and MACE. The final MACE event, JeffCon, was hosted by Ron McClung in November, 2022. 

Jeff envisioned MACE as a family-friendly event that focused on many types of gaming: role playing games, board games, miniature games, even video games. These conventions brought people together, building relationships that last a lifetime. When Jeff passed, some of his friends just could not imagine their lives without our hometown convention, and from this, Games For All Events, LLC was born.

With the blessing of Jeff’s family, Games For All Events intends to pick up where Just Us Productions left off. Our events aim to keep the spirit of MACE alive, with the same family-friendly atmosphere and excellent organization that was the hallmark of every MACE event. Every member of GFA’s staff are long-time fans of MACE and are honored to have been considered Jeff’s friends. In Jeff’s memory, we hope that our events will keep the essence of MACE alive for many more years to come.

Thank you, Jeff! We miss you!