Win the Princess’ heart!

Promotional image for Athena Alliance CLT Love Letter Tournament at Mythic Con in November

Love Letter: Princess Princess Ever After Tournament

It’s tournament time at Mythic Con! Athena Alliance is hosting a Love Letter Tournament! Starting at 11am on Saturday in the Lakeshore Room, come and see if you can win the princess’ heart! Seats are limited, so be sure to grab yours when registration opens! (You can get it here just search for love and it should come up!)

Love Letter: Princess Princess Ever After Tournament

Find the perfect ally to secretly carry your letter to Princess Isadora and win her heart in Love Letter: Princess Princess Ever After, a quick game of risk and deduction based on the award-winning Love Letter card game! Entrust your message to the nearly invincible ogre, the lightning fast unicorn, or her close friends, Princess Sadie and Princess Amira!

The game includes 21 tarot-sized character cards and 13 acrylic favor tokens.


We meet Athena Alliance CLT at the Charlotte Public Library's RPG day and of course we had to invite them to our con! They ran an exciting Love Letter tournament. Karen doesn't think you'll be disappointed.

The Athena Alliance CLT is a women-led gaming organization dedicated to the empowerment of women, femmes, enbies, LGBTQIA community members, and our allies in gaming, as well as those who play games in an inclusive, but safe space. If you'd like more information on the Athena Alliance CLT, check out their facebook page  or their website.


Humble Bard Games promotional image of Roll With It, Holdout, Spirits of Christmas, and Song of Seas games

Humble Bard Games demos

We are pleased to have John Bailey from Humble Bard games demoing games ALL weekend! (John is bringing enough that you can probably stay the whole weekend at his table!) Go by the gallery and check these out!

Hold (new game)
Hold is a solitaire post-apocalyptic resource management game! Grow your wasteland settlement and achieve objectives by the end of 7 game rounds. You must carefully manage water, food, shelter, community, ingenuity, and defense while fighting off Raiders!

Roll-With-It System
The Roll-With-It System is a solitaire roll-and-write adventure game system featuring thematic variety and endless adventure possibilities. All of the modules are built upon a “skeleton” rules framework.

There are two series so far: -FANTASY -MODERN

Song of the Seas
A pirate adventure game in which you build your Lair and earn the most renown. Fight the tyrannical Imperial Navy, plunder merchant vessels, explore for booty, and encounter legendary perils. Choose the best shanty each round for special abilities!

Spirits of Christmas
Become the three Spirits of Christmas in this cooperative adventure card game! Take Scrooge on a journey through Christmases Past, Present, and Future, and hopefully he will change his ways before he runs out of time!

We Come in Pieces
Become alien invaders of an unsuspecting town in retro America in this competitive and humorous strategy game. Build your robot out of earth junk and use it to "convince" earthlings to follow you to the Mother Ship. Watch out for the Radio Tower!

Want more information? Check out Humble Bard's Facebook page and their website.

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Grand Tournament

Middle Earth SBG Grand Tournament announcement

Meet on the battle fields of Middle Earth!

Mythic Con is proud to announce we are having a Middle Earth Grand Tournament! Now’s your chance to play on the iconic battlefields from the Lord of the Rings!

The Denizens of Southeast Middle Earth Gamers League (SMEGL) are hosting their first NC Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Grand Tournament. This is a 5-round, 2-day event. (Demos will take place Friday starting at 5pm.) The tournament takes place on Saturday (Nov 9) and Sunday (Nov 10). Signing up for this event commits to both days.

See the player pack for details!

Event tickets go on sale 9/29 for GMs and Volunteers. Event tickets open for everyone on 10/6.

Shadowrun Missions are here!

Shadowrun Missions Sixth World announcement

We all know the D&D Adventure’s League and the Pathfinder Society, but have you ever heard of Shadowrun Missions (SRM)? (Karen hadn’t, but that's not surprising honestly.) It’s like D&D AL and PFS, but for those who like the grit and danger of Shadowrun.

Shadowrun Missions is the official dynamic Sixth World campaign setting sponsored by Catalyst Game Labs. In SRM, players create a character and participate in sanctioned events throughout the world!

We are proud to host SRM at Mythic Con! Check for more info.  (If you select the event type RPG - SRM all of the scheduled events will show up!)

Registration for event tickets (games, crafting, etc.) coming soon

Announcement of when event tickets go live for Mythic Con.

You’ve been asking! And here it is (finally)! Registration for Event Tickets (games, crafting, etc.) will open for GMs & Volunteers on 9/29 and for the rest of us 10/06! Mark your calendars or add a reminder! (If you’d like early access you will need to volunteer for a total of 12 hours. Go submit your games to get early access! If you don’t want to host games, you can volunteer with load-in/load-out, crafting, game library monitoring, etc. if interested email us at info@gamesforallevents.)

If you haven’t bookmarked it already, here's the link to the where you can get tickets!  We suggest you save it so you can get to it quickly. 😀

Game submissions now open for Charlotte

Submit your games now!

GameMasters! Event submission is NOW OPEN!

MythicCon would not exist if it weren't for incredible volunteer GMs like YOU!

GameMasters who commit to hosting at least three 4-hour sessions (or 12 hours) of games get FREE ADMISSION to the convention and a special GameMaster badge! Review our Event Submission Guidelines prior to submitting your games! (

If you have any special requirements (specific table size/shape, access to power), please email our Gaming Coordinator ( to let us know. We will do the best we can to accommodate you!

Welcome our Mythic Con West Vendors!

Support our awesome vendors at Mythic Con West 2024!

We were once again overwhelmed by the number of applicants who wanted to be vendors this year! We wish we had room for them all! However, we think we have a great variety of wares for you to enjoy in our dealer’s room! Check them out!

Becca’s Bits

Gaming accessories and gaming adjacent (sci-fi and fantasy) products, including bags, trays, boxes, figures, graphic novels, books, rpgs, costume bits, trinkets, board games, and other interesting things as the constraints of time and space allow. Some new, some pre-owned, some handmade, some altered. Check out for a bit of what I’m doing.

Dragon Armor Games

We make high quality wooden games accessories including Dice Towers, Dice Trays, Dice Vaults, Dice Jails, and more.

Check them out on their website!

Fire and Dice Candle Company

Fire and Dice Candle Company was founded in January 2022 by newlyweds Jason and Sydney Caudle. Jason’s love of role playing fantasy games and Sydney’s passion for candle-making combined to create something magical. All of our candles are made from soy wax, cotton wicks, and locally sourced fragrance oils. The resin dice are hand-painted and polished, and come in a variety of stunning colors.

Check them out on their website!

Hedge Witch Accessories

Hedge Witch Accessories evolved from a hoard of crafting supplies, a desire for unique accessories, and a passion for creating all the things. Crocheted witchy, boho Apparel and Accessories; Handmade jewelry with geek/fantasy styles and semi-precious stones; Handcrafted wands for display or cosplay; Art and design on buttons, prints, and stickers referencing literature, pop culture, and gaming themes. Side Quests (Commissions) are happily undertaken.

Hedge Witch Accessories also has a webpage where you can give side quests (commissions)! Go check it out:

Mirabelli Studios

I am a charlotte Based free-lance artist and illustrator. I will have pop-culture inspired art prints and 3d printed merch for sale.

Check him out on his website!

Nuts N Bolts 3D

Nuts N Bolts 3D makes 3D printed dragons, dice towers, and fantasy themed decor and trinkets.

Come check them at the Nuts N Bolts 3D Facebook page!

RAD Dice & Gaming

RAD Dice and Gaming (RADDnG) is your premier source for gaming accessories! We offer dice holders, dice towers, vaults, and custom gaming solutions. Our signature accessories will make you the envy of your gaming table with your most precious high rolling dice nestled within beautiful dragon eggs customized to your desires.

Check them out on their website!

Reddog Crafts

Reddog Crafts is a purveyor of some WICKED cool, laser cut dice trays, towers, dice boxes, game trackers, and so SO much more. Ever thought you’d need a wizard’s dice tower glowing from within with a magical aura? Well, we didn’t either, until now… Need a Steampunk dice tower with a working clock so you can always keep your game moving on pace? Yep. He does those too.

Check Reddog Crafts out via their Facebook page.

The Deck Box

The Deck Box is located at 3049 Hendersonville Rd. in Fletcher, NC. If you don’t feel like you have time during Mythic Con West to go, we recommend making a detour on your way in or out of town.

The Deck Box is a full service gaming store that specializes in Card, Role-Playing, Miniature, and Board games. It’s tucked away into a nondescript shopping center, but don’t let that fool you. When you step in there, you’ve entered a gamer’s world! They even have a custom Sherlock Holmes themed gaming room that they rent out for games. It’s so cool!

Check out their webpage at

The Woodland Thicket

The Woodland Thicket is a new vendor to Mythic Con West this year! They are bringing hand-made, locally sourced MAGICK to the convention! Faerie houses, wax melts, potpourri, and other whimsical items abound!

Check them out in our vendor hall, or visit their website at

The Wyvern’s Tale

The Wyvern’s Tale is Asheville’s Friendliest Local Gaming Store. They strive to provide you not only with a diverse selection of games, but an excellent atmosphere in which to play them and meet others who do the same. The staff is knowledgeable and passionate about the hobby, and happy to offer you assistance or advice with your next gaming purchase.

They opened on Free RPG Day 2012, and ever since, Free RPG Day is a special occasion around the store. Check them out by visiting their webpage and facebook.

Thank you!

We want to thank each and everyone of you who attended, volunteered and helped us! Thanks to you, the first Mythic Con (Prime, as Tuna and Nick call it) was a success!!!

Without our amazing attendees, super powered GMs, fun instructors, superb presenters, great vendors, wonderful sponsors, and tireless volunteers, Mythic Con would still be an idea on a napkin a greek restaurant. So thank you all!

We've said the gaming community in the Charlotte and Asheville areas is amazing and something to cherish. You guys proved that this weekend. So again, thank you!

There's no rest for the wicked, we are now off to get Mythic Con West in Asheville set-up. Hope to see you all there! March 1-3, 2024. You can get tickets now!

And hotel reservations are also available! (Note, our room block starts Feb 28 and goes through March 4! The reservation page shows the entire block, you will need to change the dates if you don't plan on staying in Asheville that long!)

Join us at our Flea Market on Saturday!

We are excited to announce we are having a FLEA MARKET on Saturday from 6 pm to 8 pm! We still have spaces available for anyone who would like to set up a table to sell their wares!

Not sure what would be appropriate? Anything game related! Old boardgames, rpgs you no longer play, card games, miniatures, game crafts like terrain (even hand made stuff!) and gaming accessories! (If you are like Karen and Tuna, they have SHELVES of games and game related items... oh wait, there's actually a couple of closets too.... they should really get a table now that we think about it.)

Tables are first come first served! Space is limited! Sign up now